Thursday, September 13, 2012

6 Things for Thursday

Heyoo. So, I think every so often I'm going to post an entry about a few little Internet discoveries that may/may not have to do with fashion from the former week. I hope you enjoy it!

1. Nasty Gal Clothing
I think I'm in love with the Nasty Gal collection this week. Everything from their vintage crop tops to cut-out back dresses make me swoon with their feminine shape and cuts, without being too powdery puff girly. I like my clothes to be a bit more rough and intimidating sometimes. Hence the name Nasty Gal?

Can we all just accept that this is the best website for adolescent girls out there?

are you guys sick of this Zana Bayne Oxford Harness yet because I DON’T CARE  (⌯͒ ◡ ˑ̫ ◡⌯͒ )ฅ⃛
otherthangs include:
✦ superqt phone charm and tshirt from pintendo64/kimika!!
✦ SWANclothing sock garters
✦ Lazy Oaf X Underground creepers

volume 1 page 70
( original page here )you can really tell that the first three panels i pretty much redrew exactly like the original.
i’ve never drawn buildings before or those angles, so i had a hard time figuring out how i would draw it my own way.
i loosened up a lot with the last two panels though!!  THEY WERE TONS OF FUN.  especially the fourth.  it’s my favourite line.  i’m gonna try harder to redraw the pages my own way, rather than trying to draw exactly like Matsumoto does.
(Brian Fukushima’s three onionduck boys make a cameo in the last panel!) 

my newest project is redrawing pages from Taiyo Matsumoto’s TEKKONKINKREET.
it’s my favourite manga/animation/pieceofwork/everythinganythingever and i’m really excited to learn about comics and drawing and STUFF by doing this.
if enough people are interested and want to do the same, i’ll open up the submissions option or something!!  let’s grow 2gether!!!!!
also, if you guys are interested in drawing pages from different comics, consider submitting stuff to Sloane’s tumblr for redraws, called OTHER PEOPLE’S PAGES YEAH!!
Can you say inspiration? She is totally one of my favorite comic-style artists, probably like my 2nd favorite artist. Ever. Next to Alex Gross.

Best friends (7-Eleven)
Kool Aid Drinkers

Saturday, September 8, 2012

School Daze (and I do realize that's an extremely cliched back-to-school title but so what guys)

 You know what the best thing ever about having a blog is? Making your little sister take pictures of you when you're not posed right and you're not ready and MOVING ON.

Work shirt- c/o Old Navy
The Who T-shirt- c/o Nadia (hand-me-downs)
Shorts- c/o Nadia (I think they're an old Delias pair that I cut up)
Socks- c/o Sock it to Me
Boots- c/o Doc Martens
Flower clip- c/o a boutique in Boston

AHHH really boring outfit for going to Target, I apologize to myself and all who read this blog for inspiration. It was just a blah day and it was hot, so I threw something on and flew into the car and we were off to Target lickity-split. WHERE I DISCOVERED THAT FILM IS NOT DEAD. When I got to the photography section of the store, I came upon a single roll of Kodak film. Just sitting there, alone. I thought to myself, "YES! There are more people who share my passion!" And so I grabbed it, paying it off with a little bit of my lemonade money.

All alone, with only Instax film.
One thing that I did that day that I haven't done in a long while was take a walk through the toy section. To be completely honest, I feel like I've become extremely disconnected with the current stream of new toys. I hardly watch TV, I don't flip through Toys-R-Us catalogs anymore, and my little sister isn't much of a big "toy" fan. I remember being pretty obsessed with my collection of plastic animals and Barbie dream hotel. Quite the marketer's dream child. 

I'm a terrible person. These cameras are pretty sweet though.

 So I walked through all of the girls' toy aisles and was just thinking to myself... "Have I been living under a rock for the past two years? WHERE DID ALL OF THIS COME FROM?" Honest to goodness I was having like major flashbacks, basically gawking at all of the Fur-Real Friends. Those things were the bomb.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Sacred Art of Lemonade Stands

Sometimes we get so tangled up in the last days of summer, becoming cloaked in this really itchy, ugly Christmas sweater called ANXIETY and GENERALLY FREAKING OUT, that we forget to do the things we love, like listening to Grimes's "Crystal Ball" over and over again, doodling in Moleskines (sketchbook love), writing stories, and playing with two little mice called Moe and Twinkie.

What a cutie Moe is. She's pretty feisty, though. HEART OF A WARRIOR. Twinkie, on the other hand, likes to tunnel around their cage and eat Frosted Flakes like the glutton she aspires to be.

On Sunday though, two days before the start of 8th grade, I woke up fairly early and started to head downstairs for breakfast. Seriously, FIVE SECONDS passed on the stairs before my dad found me and said, "Why don't you make a lemonade stand?" 

This was an opportunity I could not refuse. My very first lemonade stand. (Well, actually my second. My friend and I made a lemonade stand in 3rd grade. He and I split the two dollars we managed to make.) So, I basically went back upstairs and collected a bunch of old picture books that had no sentimental value and vapid teen magazines and I put them in a little box and then threw that box into a wagon, along with a fancy-schmancy glass pitcher of lemonade and I trucked it to the end of my driveway. Also, fake flowers.

All in all, it was
a really successful lemonade stand. There were always those few bikers that would pass by, obviously not in the mood to stop, and I'd always give them a smile and a piercing stare that said, "Yeah, you better keep cycling."

Ok, I wasn't really thinking that. I'm not as intimidating as I wish I was.

My siblings weren't very helpful, and I'm actually extremely grateful for that. Generally speaking, if my brother or sister lift a single finger for your benefit, they expect a golden calf and a banquet fit for any king. I was not prepared to fork over any of my hard-earned lemon money after they begrudgingly grab the lemonade mix from our kitchen, although I did finally agree to give some money to my sister. She did help reel in the customers with her adorable little freckles and empty-toothed smile.

Friday, August 10, 2012

iPhone Photo Shoot, and other shenanigans...

Ah, the coveted iPhone photo shoot, an almost sacred artistic endeavor, said no one ever. But sometimes you have to work with what you've got, and frankly the iPhone is a fairly solid alternative if you have nothing else. So, please, work with me people.
Starting with last night: My friend, Maddie, and I decided to head out for a few hours to go and shop. She had never gone to Plato's Closet before, or Salvation Army, bless her soul. I needed to expose her to the fluorescent-bathed beauty that is a thrift store, in all of its broken-in mom jean glory. We weren't that successful, unfortunately, unless you count riding in a shopping cart like a 5-year old in a huge Salvation Army successful, in which case, WE WERE VERY SUCCESSFUL.

See, this is just the amount of class and maturity we bring to our little suburban town. We have so many amazing qualities and talents to share with everyone, like how to properly drive your shopping cart with a friend sitting in it, and how to avoid getting big cuts underneath your calves from the metal rods poking at your flesh (which happened to me. Didn't feel too nice.)

These were the two dresses we picked out. I'm kind of regretting not getting mine, although it was a bit too big. I was kind of in love with the neckline; a small scoop neck like that can be really flattering on A LOT of people. I loved the color on Maddie's, too. Pastels forever.

The last stop was Marshall's (oh how I love Marshall's) and I bought a pretty insane-looking blazer, fairly reminiscent of the Joker. Can't you see the similarities? Oh, and don't mind my face. That's my "I am such a snazzy individual" face.

I think the best thing I discovered there, though, was a little gem of a camera, stuck in a destroyed box and sitting alone on the Housewares shelf. How I felt bad for the little Fisheye2, all alone, with no one to care for it. So the sane thing to do was grab it and run to my mom who was clear across the store, waving the thing around like I had just won the lottery.

The only thing I need is film (expensive) and also a battery for my new Canon AE-1 Program (probably not too cheap either). I thought one of the basic principles of economics is supply and demand, unless there is an international shortage of film and an extreme upward fluctuation of people getting rid of their digital cameras and DSLRs and such. Everything is possible these days, like finding a Lomography Fisheye2 for $15.99 next to a tattered Paula Deen cookbook.

Work shirt tank - c/o Old Navy (I cut the sleeves off myself. Do this with all of your old blouses immediately.)
Cardigan vest - c/o Plato's Closet
Shorts - c/o Old Navy
Vintage motorcycle boots - c/o my grandma
Flower crown made by me with help from a DIY

I really like this outfit just because it was just really simple. Also, it had been raining, so all of the flowers and greenery were really lush and beautiful. Sometimes nature just shows you simple beauty at its best, like the curve or shape of a leaf, or the pigment in a flower petal. Little things.
Also, I found these flowers that I had never noticed before in my yard. They're ridiculously bright and vivid, and their pink is like this purple-y pastel fuchsia. I think I'll have to paint one of them sometime.

 Poppies are still my favorite flower of all time.

(To-do list: Find that old tripod.)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Greetings, earthlings. I have come to take your Salvation Army.

Sorry. Crappy webcam pic.
      Alrighty, so, being inspired by the plentiful amount of lovely ladies (most under the age of 20) that have started to make a freaking awesome living (not money, I mean life; straight up living, guys) by blogging about FASHION. OH YEAH ANOTHER ONE OF THESE CHICKS, GREAT. 
      Yeah, so I’m particularly new to this gig, but I’m not apologizing for any of my unintelligible rants (or intelligible, it depends on the day). Anyway, the main reason I’m here is because of alternative fashion. Unfortunately, we have to call it “alternative” because of the whole conformist crap that is extremely prevalent in middle/high school. That’s right Abercrombie, I’m looking at you. 
      Maybe by starting this with my cousin, it will help girls my age look at what they REALLY want to wear. Or maybe it just gives them that little inspiration to take a risk. I have absolutely NO idea. If all else fails, I’ll have a really pretty blog with a lookbook type feel to it. 
      So that was a bit of a long introduction. Nadia should hopefully post her’s up, soon.
PS I’ll basically be putting the same stuff up on, so REMEMBER THAT GUYS. Put it on a pink sticky note. For real.